"Cuando eran niños, ¿adónde iban Uds. a jugar." "_____ al patio de recreo, ¡por supuesto!"

a. éramos
b. vamos
c. veíamos
d. íbamos
does this say, "when you were a kid, where did you play? in the playground ofcourse"

i don't know what the answer choices mean, which one would it be?

Not quite "where did you play" but "where did you GO to play." Do you see the structure "ir + a + infinitive?" Try again.


Look the infinitives up:
ser, ir, ver, ir

Alexa y tú de vacaciones a la playa

Yes, the sentence translates to "When you were children, where did you go to play? To the playground, of course!" As for the answer choices:

a. éramos - This form is the first person plural of the verb "ser" (to be) in the past tense, meaning "we were." In this context, it does not fit as the sentence is asking about where "you" (singular or plural informal) used to play.

b. vamos - This form is the first person plural of the verb "ir" (to go) in the present tense, meaning "we go." It does not match the past tense context of the sentence.

c. veíamos - This form is the first person plural of the verb "ver" (to see) in the imperfect tense, meaning "we used to see." It also does not match the past tense context of the sentence.

d. íbamos - This form is the first person plural of the verb "ir" (to go) in the imperfect tense, meaning "we used to go." It matches the past tense context of the sentence and is the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is d. íbamos.