why is COCl2 polar

a. different electronegativities
b. nonsymmetric
c. tetrahedral
d. symmetric
e. trigonal planar

more than one can be chosen

also wht is HCN polar

a. nonsymmetric
b. different electronegativities
c. trigonal planar
d. linear
e. bent
f. symmetric

thanks i already tried but i got them wrong and i have one submission left to get them right


I don't like either question but here are my answers.

why is COCl2 polar

a. different electronegativitiesyes
b. nonsymmetric yes
c. tetrahedralno
d. symmetricno
e. trigonal planaryes, but that isn't why it's polar!
COCl2 is polar because there is an electronegative difference between C and the other bonding elements AND because it is not symmetrical.

more than one can be chosen

also wht is HCN polar

a. nonsymmetric
b. different electronegativities
c. trigonal planar
d. linear
e. bent
f. symmetric
HCN is polar for exactly the same two reasons; i.e., there is a difference between C and the other bonded atoms AND the molecule is not symmetrical. It happens to be linear but that isn't a reason for its polarity.

For COCl2:

The correct options for why COCl2 is polar are:

a. different electronegativities - In COCl2, the central carbon atom is less electronegative compared to the surrounding oxygen and chlorine atoms. This creates a polar bond between C and O/Cl resulting in an overall polar molecule.

b. nonsymmetric - COCl2 is a nonsymmetric molecule because it has a bent or V-shape molecular geometry. The oxygen atom is positioned on one side of the central carbon atom, while the two chlorine atoms are on the other side. This asymmetry leads to a polar molecule.

For HCN:

The correct options for why HCN is polar are:

a. nonsymmetric - HCN is a nonsymmetric molecule due to its linear molecular geometry. The hydrogen atom is positioned on one side of the central carbon atom, while the nitrogen atom is on the other side. This asymmetry leads to a polar molecule.

b. different electronegativities - In HCN, the carbon atom has a lower electronegativity than the nitrogen atom, resulting in a polar bond between C and N. This contributes to the overall polarity of the molecule.

c. bent - Incorrect. HCN has a linear molecular geometry and is not bent.

d. symmetric - Incorrect. HCN is not symmetric due to its linear molecular geometry.

f. symmetric - Incorrect. HCN is not symmetric due to its linear molecular geometry.

To summarize, both COCl2 and HCN are polar molecules due to the difference in electronegativities and their nonsymmetric molecular geometries.

To determine whether a molecule is polar or not, there are a few factors to consider. Let's go through each of the options for each molecule:

1. COCl2:
- Different electronegativities: This is true because oxygen (O) is more electronegative than chlorine (Cl). This leads to an uneven distribution of electron density.
- Nonsymmetric: This is also true because carbon (C) is bonded to two different chlorine atoms and one oxygen atom.
- Tetrahedral: This is not true as tetrahedral geometry refers to a central atom bonded to four other atoms, which is not the case here.
- Symmetric: This is also not true as symmetry implies that the molecule possesses a plane of symmetry.
- Trigonal planar: This is also not true as trigonal planar geometry refers to a central atom bonded to three other atoms with no lone pairs, which is not the case here.

Based on the options provided, the correct choices for why COCl2 is polar are a. different electronegativities and b. nonsymmetric.

2. HCN:
- Nonsymmetric: This is true as hydrogen (H) is bonded to carbon (C), and nitrogen (N) is bonded to carbon (C), resulting in an asymmetric distribution of electron density.
- Different electronegativities: This is also true because nitrogen (N) is more electronegative than carbon (C).
- Trigonal planar: This is not true because trigonal planar geometry refers to a central atom bonded to three other atoms with no lone pairs, which is not the case here.
- Linear: This is not true as linear geometry refers to a central atom bonded to two other atoms with no lone pairs, which is not the case here.
- Bent: This is also not true as bent geometry refers to a central atom bonded to two other atoms with one or two lone pairs, which is not the case here.
- Symmetric: This is not true as symmetry implies that the molecule possesses a plane of symmetry.

Based on the options provided, the correct choices for why HCN is polar are a. nonsymmetric and b. different electronegativities.

By considering the differences in electronegativities between the atoms and the symmetry (or lack thereof) in the molecules, you can determine their polarity.