Okay so I have some online activities and I'm not sure what they are asking.

Completa las oraciones con el tiempo verbal adecuado.

A. Situaciones probables o futuras

Si Teresa no viene pronto, nosotros ______ (tener) que ir sin ella.

B. Situaciones hipotéticas sobre el presente

Si Carla tuviera más experiencia, yo la _____ (contratar).

C. Situaciones habituales en el pasado

Si llegaba tarde en mi trabajo anterior, la gerente me _____ (gritar).

How do I tell what tense to conjugate in?

Well, let's break it down, my friend!

A. In situation A, the activity is asking for a probable or future situation. So, you need to use a future tense verb. In this case, the correct verb to conjugate is "tener," which means "to have." So, the sentence would be "Si Teresa no viene pronto, nosotros tendremos que ir sin ella" – meaning "If Teresa doesn't come soon, we will have to go without her."

B. In situation B, the activity is asking for a hypothetical situation about the present. For this, you need to use the conditional tense. The verb that needs to be conjugated is "contratar," which means "to hire." So the sentence would be "Si Carla tuviera más experiencia, yo la contrataría" – meaning "If Carla had more experience, I would hire her."

C. In situation C, the activity is asking for habitual situations in the past. In this case, you need to use the imperfect tense. The verb to conjugate is "gritar," which means "to shout." Therefore, the sentence would be "Si llegaba tarde en mi trabajo anterior, la gerente me gritaba" – meaning "If I arrived late at my previous job, the manager would shout at me."

I hope this helps clarify things for you! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and I'll be here to brighten your day with some more linguistic humor.

To determine the tense to conjugate in, you need to analyze the context and the phrase structure of each sentence.

A. Situaciones probables o futuras (Probable or future situations)
In this case, you can use the future tense. The sentence suggests a possible scenario in the future.
Example: Si Teresa no viene pronto, nosotros tendremos que ir sin ella. (If Teresa doesn't come soon, we will have to go without her.)

B. Situaciones hipotéticas sobre el presente (Hypothetical situations about the present)
These situations describe hypothetical conditions in the present. You can use the subjunctive mood or the conditional tense.
Example: Si Carla tuviera más experiencia, yo la contrataría. (If Carla had more experience, I would hire her.)

C. Situaciones habituales en el pasado (Habitual situations in the past)
These situations describe habitual actions or events in the past. You can use the imperfect tense.
Example: Si llegaba tarde en mi trabajo anterior, la gerente me gritaba. (If I arrived late at my previous job, the manager would yell at me.)

By analyzing the context and the type of situation described, you can determine the appropriate tense to use in each sentence.

To determine the tense to conjugate in these sentences, you need to pay attention to the context and the specific phrases used in each situation.

A. Situaciones probables o futuras: In this case, the sentence is talking about a probable or future situation. The phrase "Si Teresa no viene pronto" (If Teresa doesn't come soon) indicates a condition that may or may not happen in the future. Therefore, you need to use the future tense. The stem of the verb "tener" is "tendr-" in the future tense, so you would conjugate it as "tendremos" (we will have).

B. Situaciones hipotéticas sobre el presente: This sentence is discussing a hypothetical situation in the present. The phrase "Si Carla tuviera más experiencia" (If Carla had more experience) suggests that Carla doesn't actually have more experience. Therefore, you need to use the imperfect subjunctive tense. The stem of the verb "contratar" is "contrat-" in the imperfect subjunctive tense, so you would conjugate it as "contratara" or "contratase" (I would hire her).

C. Situaciones habituales en el pasado: In this sentence, the context is about habitual situations in the past. The phrase "Si llegaba tarde en mi trabajo anterior" (If I arrived late at my previous job) indicates a past routine or habit. Therefore, you need to use the imperfect tense. The stem of the verb "gritar" is "grit-" in the imperfect tense, so you would conjugate it as "gritaba" (she would yell).

Remember that understanding the specific context and the meaning of the phrases used in each situation is key to determining the correct tense to conjugate in.

Complete the sentences with the appropriate verbal tense. You will be choosing from perhaps: Present, Imperfect, Preterit, Future, etc. How do you know which one? You need to understand what the sentence says to know.

A. probable or future = tendremos

B. hypothetical. If you begin with a "si clause" and Imperfect (Past) Subjunctive, you MUST have the conditional.

Since B. tells me the level of Spanish you have, I shouldn't need to give you the answers. Repost after you try.

C. habitual in the past = the use of the Imperfect tells you.
