
"Cuanto pagaste por esa gorra?" "_____ 15 dolares."
a. pago
b. pagaste
c. pago
d. pague

can you please explain the question and the asnwers choices. thanks

"How much did you pay for that hat?" The Answer would be 'I paid,' which in Spanish translates to I 'pague,' so the answer is D.

ok got it, thanks

are you a spanish tutor?

sombrero = hat

gorra = cap


Certainly! The question is asking, "How much did you pay for that cap?" The blank space in the response should be filled with the correct conjugation of the verb "pay" in the past tense.

Let's break down the answer choices and find the correct option:

a. "pago" - This is the present tense form of the verb "pay" which does not match the past tense required by the question.

b. "pagaste" - This is the correct conjugation of the verb "pay" in the past tense for the second-person singular form, which matches the subject "you." So, this option is the correct answer.

c. "pago" - This is the same as option a, which is incorrect.

d. "pague" - This is the conjugation of the verb "pay" in the past tense for the first-person singular form. However, the subject of the question is "you," so this option is not the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is "b. pagaste."