which stage of ionization usually produces more ions?

You need to explain your question. I don't understand it. Most of my information leads me to believe that we either have ionization or no ionization---and it isn't a matter of taking a few hours or a few days to get it done.

The stage of ionization that usually produces more ions is the gas stage.

When a substance is in the gas phase, its particles have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces between them and move independently. This increased energy allows for more collisions between particles, leading to a higher likelihood of ionization.

To determine the stage of ionization, you can consider the physical state of the substance and its conditions. If the substance is in a gaseous state, it will typically have a higher degree of ionization compared to when it is in a solid or liquid state.

Additionally, the ionization potential of the substance should be taken into account. Ionization potential refers to the energy required to remove an electron from an atom or molecule. If the ionization potential is relatively low, it will be easier for the substance to become ionized, resulting in a greater number of ions.