Just reminding! If anyone has any ideas on how to teach first graders who are learning english as a foreign language (7 year olds)please be free to share them! I have to teach them 10 new words such as egg coffee ham tea milk butter toast bread etc.and i have to have app.20 activities!so any ideas are welcome!


Did you see all the wonderful ideas SraJMcGin posted for you yesterday??

Yes I have seen them! They are really wonderful! But i didn't find one thing that I need and that is how to present them these new words.That is the only thing I need know.The rest gave me SraJMcGin!:)

I would suggest going to your school cafeteria and bringing in examples of all the breakfast foods for the children to associate the real thing with the word. You might even get some items for the kids to taste. They say the word correctly and they get a taste. Rewards are a definite incentive.

As GuruBlue mentioned taste = that is one of the 5 senses I recommended you reach. Taste is more difficult, but certainly not impossible.

With all the things I gave you yesterday, much of what you now ask for is there, but let me try to be more specific. If you already know the words you want to present, so much the better.

I still don't know what is available in your classroom, if you have to use all 45 minutes for the lesson, what the ethnicity of those students is - you can always build on anything they already know.

Specifically - teaching vocabulary

1. learn in context - don't forget the props - fake food is available at Teaching Supply stores, for example.

2. vocabulary is learned going from passive to producing. At first LISTENING, then REPEATING (the real key is repetition, no matter how you do it - sing it, chant it, make up catchy frases, even rhyming, tapes. At first I made tapes but soon students made tapes as well. If I didn't cover tapes yesterday, remind me when you are ready for that.

3. There are "stages" in learning vocabulary. First is visual, with flashcards, pictures, props. T hen is "recognition" where y ou can use "true/false", categorizing the words, matching...cloze exercises, opposites, parts of speech, multiple choice (line up cards with words for students to select A or B when you say the word and point to a card), having them "draw" the word, using the Bingo idea I have you yesterday, circling the word fomr a list. The next stage is "production" from the students - answering questions (yes/no), guessing a word you are thinking of, describing a picture, miming

4. For the age group you have, the VISUAL is important, as well as the SOUND. (back to HEAR it, SAY it, SEE it, WRITE it!)

20 activities? Keep it simple, keep it lively, keep it fun and if you enjoy what you are doing, the students will too!

Hopefully, this is more what you wanted (specifics) . . . . .

Sra (aka Mme)

Teaching first graders who are learning English as a foreign language can be both challenging and exciting. Here are some ideas on how to introduce and reinforce new vocabulary words with fun and engaging activities:

1. Start with visual aids: Use flashcards or images to introduce the new vocabulary words. Show them each picture and pronounce the word clearly, encouraging the students to repeat after you.

2. Word association games: Play games like "I Spy" or "Guess the Word" where you describe an object using the new vocabulary words, and have the students guess what you are talking about.

3. Vocabulary flashcards: Create flashcards with pictures of the new words on one side and their corresponding English words on the other side. Show them to the students and ask them to say the word when they see the picture.

4. Matching game: Create a memory game by making pairs of flashcards with the pictures and English words. Spread the cards face-down on a table and have the students take turns flipping over two cards to try to find a match.

5. Role-play: Divide the students into pairs or small groups and ask them to act out a simple scenario using the new vocabulary words. For example, they can pretend to have a breakfast picnic and use the words "coffee," "ham," "tea," "milk," etc.

6. Vocabulary charades: Write the new words on small pieces of paper and have one student come up to the front of the class. Without saying a word, they should act out or mime the word while the rest of the class guesses what it is.

7. Simon says: Play a game of "Simon Says" using the new vocabulary words. For example, "Simon says touch your head with your hand," or "Simon says hop on one foot while holding a slice of bread."

8. Picture dictation: Describe a picture to the students using the new vocabulary words, and have them draw what they hear. Then, compare their drawings to the actual picture and discuss any differences.

9. Word puzzles: Create word puzzles like word searches or crossword puzzles using the new vocabulary words. Have the students work in pairs or individually to solve the puzzles.

10. Interactive online activities: Incorporate interactive online resources and educational apps that offer language learning games, videos, and quizzes to reinforce the new vocabulary words.

Remember to make the activities age-appropriate, interactive, and fun to keep the students engaged. Furthermore, provide opportunities for the students to use the new words in context through conversation, storytelling, and writing exercises.