Could you please give me a website with a rhyming dictionary?

Try Rhyme Zone. :-)


Certainly! One popular website that offers a rhyming dictionary is RhymeZone ( RhymeZone is a comprehensive online resource that provides various rhyming words, related words, synonyms, and definitions. You can simply visit the website and start searching for words to find their rhymes. Here's how to use it:

1. Open your web browser and go to

2. On the homepage, you will notice a search box. Type in the word you want to find rhymes for, and click the "Find Rhymes" button or press Enter.

3. RhymeZone will display a list of words that rhyme with your search term, categorized by syllables and frequency of use. You can scroll through the list to explore different rhymes or related words.

4. If you want to explore further, you can click on any of the rhyming words to view additional related words, synonyms, definitions, and phrases.

5. RhymeZone also offers some additional features, such as searching for near rhymes (words that have a similar sound but not an exact rhyme) or searching for words that sound like your query.

Remember, using a rhyming dictionary can assist you in finding rhymes and enhance your creativity when writing poetry, lyrics, or other forms of creative writing.