what do ecuador plan to do to get rid of infectious disease.

To find out what Ecuador plans to do to get rid of infectious diseases, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for official sources of information on initiatives and plans against infectious diseases in Ecuador. You can use search engines like Google or visit government websites related to health, such as the Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador.

2. Once on the government's website, browse through sections related to public health, disease control, or infectious diseases. Look for any recent publications, reports, or press releases that discuss Ecuador's plans and strategies against infectious diseases.

3. Read through the documents you find, paying attention to any specific actions or programs mentioned. Look for information on investments in healthcare infrastructure, disease surveillance systems, vaccination campaigns, public awareness campaigns, or partnerships with international organizations.

4. Additionally, you can explore news articles, research studies, or reports from non-governmental organizations that focus on healthcare in Ecuador. These sources may provide insights into the country's initiatives against infectious diseases.

Remember, this process may require some time and effort, as it involves researching official and reliable sources to gather accurate information about Ecuador's plans to combat infectious diseases.