why did a number of nations join to form NATO in 1949?

a. to solve postwar problems as an agency of the United Nations
b. to create an economic alliance against Germany and Japan
c. to protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression
d. to counter the military threat posed by the Warsaw Pact

i'm not so sure, i think its either A or C..help!

C is the best answer.

ok, thanks Ms.Sue!

You're welcome.

To determine why a number of nations joined to form NATO in 1949, let's analyze the options provided.

a. To solve postwar problems as an agency of the United Nations: While the United Nations was indeed established after World War II to promote international cooperation, it is important to note that NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was not formed as an agency of the UN. Therefore, option A is not the correct answer.

b. To create an economic alliance against Germany and Japan: This option is incorrect because NATO was primarily a military alliance and its main purpose was not to form an economic alliance against specific countries.

c. To protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression: This option is correct. NATO was primarily established as a collective defense organization with the goal of ensuring the security and defense of its member nations from the perceived threat of Soviet aggression during the Cold War.

d. To counter the military threat posed by the Warsaw Pact: This option is incorrect because the Warsaw Pact, which was established as a response to NATO, came into existence in 1955, six years after the formation of NATO in 1949.

Therefore, the correct answer is c. To protect themselves from possible Soviet aggression. The nations joined NATO to create a mutual defense pact against Soviet aggression and to enhance their collective security.