what is a good website for finding research on the problems in the everglades?

Search problems of the everglades and many good searches come up that will be very helpful. Good Luck

thanks soooo much!!!! :D

A good website to find research on the problems in the Everglades is the official website of the Everglades Foundation. You can visit their website at evergladesfoundation.org. Here you can find a wide range of research materials, reports, and scientific studies related to the issues and challenges facing the Everglades ecosystem.

To find research on the problems in the Everglades, follow these steps:

1. Open your preferred web browser.
2. Enter the address bar: evergladesfoundation.org and press Enter.
3. Once on the website, look for the "Research" or "Publications" section. This may be located in the main navigation menu or in a dropdown menu.
4. Click on the appropriate link to access the research materials.
5. You might find various reports, studies, and publications related to the issues in the Everglades.
6. Browse through the available resources, filter and search for specific topics if needed.
7. You can download or access the materials directly from the website.

By using the Everglades Foundation's website, you can gain access to reliable and authoritative research that will help you understand the problems and ongoing efforts to conserve this unique ecosystem.