Can you please explain to me what this means? All I get is it saying that war is good for us because of those characteristics. But I don't know why? Thank You

Armed combat is glorified in song and story, with many throughout history praising "martial values" for making us better, stronger, and more worthwhile human beings

Kara, you are right, the why is elusive. Psychologists may have better answers, but read this short article on German Philosophy.


It is difficult to accept Christian Morality, and many, including church goers, dont.

Sure! The statement suggests that armed combat or war is often portrayed in a positive or heroic light in various forms of expression, such as songs and stories. It further suggests that throughout history, people have admired and celebrated the "martial values" associated with war, believing that they contribute to personal growth and enhance our worth as individuals.

To understand why this perspective exists, it's helpful to consider the historical context. Wars have long been considered significant events that shape societies, test courage, and require sacrifice. In some cultures, martial values like bravery, honor, and loyalty have been highly regarded, as they are seen as necessary traits for successful military endeavors. These values are often celebrated in storytelling and other forms of art as a way to inspire and unite communities during times of conflict.

However, it's important to note that this view of war as beneficial is not universally accepted. Society's perception of war has evolved over time, and many individuals and groups now advocate for peace and promote non-violent means of conflict resolution.

Ultimately, the interpretation of war's impact on humanity and whether it brings positive characteristics or not is subject to personal beliefs, experiences, and cultural influences.