If global peace created freedom how would over-tolerrance be a problem?

People wouldn't be able to voice their own opinions because they might offend someone else.

You might also consider this definition and think about "permissiveness."


How can I expand on this? I need to add about four more sentences. Any help would be appreciated.

People would not be able to take ascendancy of the right of tolerance and the freedom to deliberate and practice primordial beliefs. Because in turn may end up frustrating the similar right to tolerance of other individuals and cliques.

Do you understand that quote? What does it mean in your own words?

Did you think about permissiveness?

It means that individuals can not take advantage of tolerance because whatever they say might offend someone else who has a different viewpoint about whatever was said. I did think about permissiveness it's a good word and means pretty much the same as over tolerrance but I don't know how that would be a problem with individuals freedom.

Permissiveness implies being tolerant of behavior that may harm others.

To understand why over-tolerance can be a problem in a scenario of global peace and freedom, we need to define what over-tolerance means in this context. Over-tolerance refers to an excessive emphasis on avoiding offense or discomfort in relation to differing opinions or beliefs. While global peace and freedom aim to promote harmony and respect among individuals, over-tolerance can hinder this objective by suppressing the diversity of perspectives and limiting freedom of expression.

In a society where everyone is expected to be overly tolerant, expressing opinions that are contrary to prevailing norms may be discouraged or even punished. This can lead to self-censorship, where individuals withhold their own thoughts and ideas to avoid potential conflicts or offending others. As a result, genuine dialogue and open discussions that are vital for societal progress can be hindered.

Additionally, over-tolerance can prevent critical thinking and hinder personal growth. When differing opinions are stifled, there is limited exposure to new ideas and perspectives. Constructive criticism, which is essential for addressing societal issues and improving collective understanding, may be avoided in the name of preserving an overly harmonious atmosphere. This inhibits the development of well-rounded individuals and can lead to stagnation within society.

To strike a balance between promoting global peace and freedom while avoiding the pitfalls of over-tolerance, it is crucial to foster an environment that encourages respectful dialogue, active listening, and constructive engagement with diverse viewpoints. By promoting open-mindedness, empathetic communication, and the freedom to express opinions, society can thrive with both peace and the exploration of differing ideas.