What is an introductary word?

thank you

Words at the beginnings of sentences or clauses, such as these -


... and many others.

Some are called subordinating conjunctions:


Others are conjunctive adverbs:

Thank you

You're very welcome.

An introductory word is a word or phrase that is used at the beginning of a sentence to provide context or introduce a topic. These words or phrases can help to signal the reader or listener about what is coming next. Examples of introductory words include "Firstly," "In addition," "However," "Moreover," and "On the other hand."

To understand the concept of introductory words, you can do the following steps:

1. Start by familiarizing yourself with common introductory words or phrases. Look for lists or resources that provide examples of these words and their meanings. This will give you a better understanding of how they are used.

2. Read articles, essays, or other forms of written content. Focus on identifying the words or phrases that introduce new ideas or provide transitions between paragraphs or sections. Take note of how these words or phrases contribute to the overall flow and coherence of the text.

3. Practice using introductory words in your own writing. Experiment with different words and phrases to see how they impact the structure and clarity of your sentences. Pay attention to the context in which you use them, as the choice of introductory word can vary depending on the intended message or purpose of your writing.

By familiarizing yourself with common introductory words and practicing their use, you will be better equipped to recognize and employ them in your own writing, thereby enhancing the coherence and effectiveness of your communication.