I need help to understand what is being needed.Determine the ethical course of action for the following three scenarios from the perspective of each of the three philosophical approaches: consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Then, complete the matrix below by writing a few sentences stating the ethical course of action and the reasoning from that approach’s perspective. Clearly differentiate the reasons for each of the three approaches. Here is the scenario:The mayor of a small seaside town faces a tough decision. A prominent developer has submitted a proposal to build a large mall and resort in the town. This development is estimated to bring $150 million in tourism each year and several hundred new jobs to the community, which badly needs the economic boost. The proposed location of the new development, however, is a site that now houses the only nursing home and senior citizens’ recreation center in the area. Both the nursing home and recreation center would have to be demolished, affecting 100 seniors and 30 employees. There is no other location in town where the new development can be built. How should the mayor decide: in favor of economic prosperity or in defense of his elderly citizens?

Scenario:What is the Consequentialism, Deontology, and Virtue Ethics? I do not understand what these are. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!

Sure, let me help you understand the three ethical approaches - consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics - before we dive into the scenario.

1. Consequentialism: Consequentialism is an ethical theory that focuses on the consequences or outcomes of one's actions in determining their morality. It suggests that the right course of action is the one that maximizes overall happiness, well-being, or utility for the greatest number of people. In other words, the ends justify the means in consequentialism.

2. Deontology: Deontology is an ethical theory that emphasizes the moral duty or obligation of an action rather than its consequences. According to deontologists, certain actions are inherently right or wrong, regardless of their outcomes. People should act based on principles, rules, or duties, and their actions should align with universal moral rules or obligations.

3. Virtue Ethics: Virtue ethics focuses on the moral character or virtues of individuals. It suggests that the primary goal of ethics is to develop good character traits or virtues. Virtue ethicists believe that moral decisions should be made by individuals with good character and who display virtues such as honesty, courage, compassion, and fairness.

Now that you have an understanding of the three ethical approaches, let's consider the scenario and the possible courses of action from each perspective:

1. Consequentialism:
From a consequentialist perspective, the mayor should prioritize economic prosperity as it will bring in $150 million in tourism each year and create several hundred new jobs for the community. This approach would argue that the overall happiness and well-being of the majority are paramount, even if it means demolishing the nursing home and recreation center.

2. Deontology:
A deontologist would argue that the mayor should prioritize the welfare and rights of the elderly citizens. According to their moral obligation, it would be wrong to demolish the nursing home and recreation center, regardless of the positive economic impact. The well-being and protection of vulnerable individuals take precedence over the potential gains for the community.

3. Virtue Ethics:
From a virtue ethics perspective, the mayor should carefully consider and balance both the economic prosperity of the community and the well-being of the elderly citizens. Acting with virtues such as compassion, empathy, and justice, the mayor would strive to find alternatives so that the economic development can take place without causing harm to the seniors. The focus would be on finding a solution that upholds the virtues and respects the needs of all parties involved.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the three ethical approaches and their application to the scenario.