Can someone direct me to a site that contains an extensive list of properties of various molecules (bond length, bond angle, dipole moment, etc.)?

Or is there a free download anywhere for molecular modeling software? I used Spartan at school, but it costs too much to use at home.

If you are looking for a site that provides extensive information on the properties of various molecules, one useful resource is the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Chemistry WebBook. You can access it at This website offers a vast collection of chemical and physical property data, including bond lengths, bond angles, dipole moments, and other molecular properties. To find the desired information, you can search for a specific molecule or browse through their database.

Regarding free molecular modeling software, there are several options available. One popular software is Avogadro, which is an open-source molecular editor and visualization tool. You can download it for free from the official website at Avogadro allows you to build and manipulate molecules, perform molecular calculations, and visualize molecular structures.

Another widely used molecular modeling software is Jmol, which is a Java-based platform for molecular visualization. It is free to download and use, and you can access it at Jmol supports a wide range of molecular file formats and provides various visualization and analysis options.

Both Avogadro and Jmol offer powerful features for molecular modeling and are suitable for academic and research purposes.