A recent survey shows that the average man will spend 141,288 hours sleeping, 85,725 hours working, 81,681 hours watching television 9,945 hours commuting, 1,662 hours kissing, and 363,447 hours on other tasks during his lfetime. What percent of his life, to the nearest tenth of a percent, does he spend sleeping?

Add all of the hours together.

Then divide 141,288 by the total number of hours. Convert the decimal answer to a percentage.

To calculate the percentage of his life spent sleeping, we need to divide the total hours spent sleeping by the sum of all the activities.

Total hours spent sleeping: 141,288 hours

Sum of all activities: 141,288 hours + 85,725 hours + 81,681 hours + 9,945 hours + 1,662 hours + 363,447 hours = 683,748 hours

To find the percentage, we divide the total hours spent sleeping by the sum of all activities, and then multiply by 100:

(141,288 hours / 683,748 hours) * 100 = 20.64

Therefore, the average man spends approximately 20.6% of his life sleeping, to the nearest tenth of a percent.

To find the percentage of time a man spends sleeping, you need to divide the number of hours spent sleeping by the total number of hours in his lifetime, and then multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.

First, add up the total number of hours in the man's lifetime:
141,288 hours sleeping + 85,725 hours working + 81,681 hours watching television + 9,945 hours commuting + 1,662 hours kissing + 363,447 hours on other tasks = 683,748 total hours

To get the percentage of time spent sleeping, divide the number of hours spent sleeping (141,288) by the total hours (683,748) and multiply by 100:
(141,288 / 683,748) x 100 = 20.67%

Therefore, the man spends approximately 20.7% (rounded to the nearest tenth) of his life sleeping.
