What would be the x-intercept of y=-|x-3|? I think it would be -3.



To find the x-intercept of the given equation y = -|x-3|, we need to determine where the graph of the equation intersects or crosses the x-axis.

The x-intercept occurs when the value of y is equal to zero (0). So, let's set y = 0 and solve for x.

0 = -|x-3|

Since the absolute value of a number is always non-negative, the equation -|x-3| = 0 is true only when the expression inside the absolute value brackets, x-3, is equal to zero.

x - 3 = 0

Adding 3 to both sides of the equation, we get:

x = 3

So, the x-intercept of the equation y = -|x-3| is x = 3, not -3 as you suggested.