Okay, I got accepeted for a part time job at school, and the letter says that I should bring a resume. I never had a job before, so how would I bring a resume, but it seems really bad for me not to bring something.

Go google a resume guide and start writing your resume. If if you have not had a job before, you can state

-where you've volunteered before
-your awards (eg. honour roll)
-your person contact information
-what grade you're enrolled in
etc etc.

not bringing anything when it states you should, will only give a bad impression

Hey, I'm going to make a resume and I was wondering you you can look over it to see if it looks or not.

Congratulations on getting accepted for a part-time job at school! Even though you may not have any previous work experience, you can still create a resume to showcase your skills, education, and any relevant experience you may have. Here's how you can go about creating a resume for your part-time job:

1. Personal Information: Start by including your full name, contact information (phone number, email address), and address. Make sure this information is up to date and professional.

2. Objective/Summary: Write a brief statement explaining your career or educational goals and how the part-time job aligns with them. If you don't have specific career goals, you can include a summary highlighting your skills, strengths, and eagerness to learn.

3. Education: List your current school, expected graduation date, and any notable achievements or honors. Include relevant coursework or academic projects if applicable.

4. Skills: Highlight any skills that are relevant to the job you're applying for. These can include computer skills, languages, customer service, organization, or any other abilities you possess.

5. Extracurricular Activities and Volunteer Experience: If you've been involved in any clubs, sports teams, or volunteer work, mention them to demonstrate your dedication, teamwork, and time-management skills.

6. References: Even if you haven't had a job before, you can include references who can speak about your character, work ethic, or skills. These can be teachers, coaches, or mentors who can vouch for your capabilities.

7. Format and Design: Keep the resume clean and easy to read. Consider using a simple and professional template that allows your information to stand out.

Once your resume is ready, print a few copies on quality paper. If the employer explicitly requests a resume, it's essential to bring it, even if you have limited experience. The act of submitting a resume shows your initiative, preparedness, and professionalism. Good luck with your part-time job at school!