what is 7.686 rounded to the nearest hundredth?

The 8 is in the hundredths place. However, the next number is larger than 4, so --

7.686 = 7.69

nearest hundreth i can tell you a cheat cheat. Under the decimal place write a 1 then zeros after it. The first zero is tens place second is hundrerths, therefore 7.686 think, 86 rounded is 90 so it is 7.69


To round a number to the nearest hundredth, you will need to look at the digit in the thousandth place. In this case, the number is 7.686.

The digit in the thousandth place is 6. Since the digit after 6 (8) is greater than or equal to 5, we need to round up. To do this, we increase the digit in the hundredth place by 1.

Therefore, rounding 7.686 to the nearest hundredth gives us 7.69.