Write a proportion that is equivalent to the statement: If 2 pizzas can feed 7 people, then 6 pizzas can feed 21 people.

To write a proportion that is equivalent to the given statement, we need to express the relationship between the number of pizzas and the number of people in a consistent manner.

The given statement "If 2 pizzas can feed 7 people, then 6 pizzas can feed 21 people" indicates that as the number of pizzas triples from 2 to 6, the number of people also triples from 7 to 21.

So, one possible proportion that is equivalent to this statement is:

(2 pizzas) / (7 people) = (6 pizzas) / (21 people)

We can simplify this proportion further by dividing both the numerator and denominator of each ratio by the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numbers in each part of the proportion. In this case, the GCD is 1.

Simplified proportion:

2/7 = 6/21

Therefore, the equivalent proportion is: 2/7 = 6/21.