Imagine you have been asked to communicate to several clients regarding a delay in the

production of widgets your company produces. Your clients are both local and international. They have diverse backgrounds, technical experience, and understanding."

Your assignment is to write a letter to the clients about the delay of the delivery of the widgets.

You need to follow these steps:

1. Choose and utilize a prewriting technique to gather your thoughts.

2. Create a draft of the document that will deliver the news to your company's clients;consider a letter format for the document.

3. Use post writing steps to ensure your document is ready to be sent to your manager for approval.

Please understand that no one here will do your work for you.

However, we will be happy to answer specific questions and then read over whatever you come up with and make suggestions and/or corrections.

I 'm asking noone to do it for me, I just want to know how to start. Thank you

You start by following the first instruction:

"1. Choose and utilize a prewriting technique to gather your thoughts."

If you don't know how to get started on #1, or if you don't know what #1 means, here are some excellent webpages with ideas for you:

Step 1: Prewriting Technique

To gather your thoughts and prepare for writing the letter about the delay in widget production, you can use a prewriting technique called brainstorming. Start by making a list of all the important points you want to include in the letter. Consider the following questions:

- Why is there a delay in widget production?
- What is the impact of this delay on the clients?
- How will the company address the delay and minimize its impact?
- What actions are being taken to prevent such delays in the future?

By brainstorming and jotting down ideas related to these questions, you will have a clearer picture of the important points to cover in your letter.

Step 2: Create a Draft

Now that you have your thoughts organized, you can proceed to create a draft of the letter. Use a letter format for the document, following these general guidelines:

- Start with a salutation, addressing the clients in a formal and respectful manner.
- Begin by acknowledging the delay and expressing understanding of its impact on the clients' operations.
- Provide a concise and honest explanation of the reasons for the delay. Be transparent about any challenges or unforeseen circumstances.
- Assure the clients that the company is taking immediate action to resolve the issue and minimize further delays.
- Outline the specific steps being taken to address the delay and ensure smooth delivery in the future.
- Express empathy towards the clients' frustration and inconvenience caused by the delay.
- Offer any possible remedies or compensations, if applicable.
- Close the letter with a polite conclusion and express gratitude for the clients' understanding and patience.
- Sign-off with your name, title, and contact information.

Remember, it is important to maintain a professional tone throughout the letter while also showing empathy towards the clients' concerns. Revise and edit your draft as needed to ensure clarity and coherence.

Step 3: Post Writing Steps

After completing the draft, it is crucial to follow post writing steps to ensure the document is ready for approval. Consider the following actions:

- Review the letter for clarity, grammar, and spelling errors.
- Ensure that the content is consistent and aligns with the company's policies and values.
- Check if the tone of the letter is appropriate and maintains a positive relationship with the clients.
- Proofread the letter to make sure there are no formatting issues or typos.
- Seek feedback from colleagues or managers to get a fresh perspective.
- Make any necessary revisions based on the feedback received.

Once you have finalized the letter following these post writing steps, it will be ready to be sent to your manager for approval.