Can you please explain to me what these two things mean? I don't even have an idea. Thank you

War generally induces patriotic citizens to work harder for less compensation.

War also sometimes clears away outdated infrastructure and allows economy-wide rebuilding, generating long-term benefits

In short terms, in times of war, people are more than willing to do what is needed in the shortest amount of time with the least amount of read tape.

what does least amount of read tape mean?

red tape = bureaucracy

Certainly! I can explain the meanings of these two statements to you.

1. "War generally induces patriotic citizens to work harder for less compensation."
This statement suggests that during times of war, citizens tend to have a strong sense of patriotism and may be willing to work harder and make sacrifices for their country's cause. This can be seen as a positive outcome from war, as it creates a sense of unity and support among the citizens. Additionally, the mention of "less compensation" refers to the idea that in times of war, people may accept lower wages or less favorable working conditions in order to contribute to the war effort.

2. "War also sometimes clears away outdated infrastructure and allows economy-wide rebuilding, generating long-term benefits."
This statement highlights a potential positive consequence of war, which is the opportunity to clear away outdated infrastructure. During times of war, certain areas or structures may be destroyed, but this can create room for the development of new infrastructure and economic growth. The concept of "economy-wide rebuilding" refers to the significant effort put into constructing new facilities, revitalizing industries, and promoting economic activity after a war. In the long run, this rebuilding process can bring about positive changes to the economy and generate benefits such as job creation and modernization.

It's important to note that these statements are describing general patterns and possibilities, and the actual outcomes of war can vary depending on numerous factors and circumstances.