Okay so from previous, a clarification.

I wrote it as 'Yo sirvo la sopa a Edward.

You want me to write it as 'Yo le sirvo a James la sopa?


the 'James' in second sentence is supposed to be 'Edward'

How about: Yo le sirvo la sopa a James


¡De nada! I'm glad you're seeking clarification. Based on the previous question, you want to express the sentence "I serve soup to Edward" in Spanish.

To properly translate the sentence, you're on the right track, but there are a few adjustments you can make:

1. The verb "sirvo" (serve) should be conjugated to match the subject pronoun "yo" (I). So, instead of "Yo sirvo," it should be "Sirvo" because the pronoun "yo" is already implied by the conjugation.
2. Since you're using an indirect object pronoun to indicate that the soup is being served to Edward, you need to use "le" instead of "la." "Le" is the indirect object pronoun for "to him" or "to her" in this context.

Therefore, the corrected sentence would be: "Sirvo la sopa a Eduardo."

Please note that "Eduardo" should be used instead of "Edward" for the Spanish translation. If you want to use "James," then the sentence would be: "Sirvo la sopa a James."

Keep up the great work! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.