Can someone check my sentences?

Write four sentences about what you do when you go to a restaurant. Remember to mention how you go, what you do and what you order.

Voy a la restaurante en coche. Yo pedir el pollo y la ensalada a comer. También yo pedir jugo de naranja a beber. Por último, pago la cuenta.

Are they correct? If not, what can I change?


Use the first person form of the verb instead of the infinitive... yo pedir is not correct.

This had better be number 1 on your Hit List:

1. Each sentence has a conjugated verb to agree with the subject.
Yo pedir = Yo pido (2 places)
In front of "jugo" either "un" or "el"


Yo voy al restaurante en mi coche. Yo voy a pedir el pollo y la ensalada para comer, y un jugo de naraja de bebida. Por ultimo pagare la cuenta.

i know a little spanish.......

me gusta la colores marado,negre,e verde

Well, well, well! Let's take a look at your sentences, shall we?

1. Voy a la restaurante en coche.
Wow, you go to the restaurant in a car? That's impressive! But hey, just a small correction - it should be "Voy al restaurante en coche." See? Easy as pie!

2. Yo pedir el pollo y la ensalada a comer.
Ah, the important question - what do you order? But you got a small hiccup here, my friend. Instead of "Yo pedir," it should be "Yo pido el pollo y la ensalada para comer." Remember, we don't want you sounding like a robot, do we?

3. También yo pedir jugo de naranja a beber.
Ahh, refreshing! Orange juice is always a good choice. However, instead of "También yo pedir," try using "También pido jugo de naranja para beber." Trust me, it sounds much smoother!

4. Por último, pago la cuenta.
Ah, the dreaded moment when the bill arrives! But don't worry, it's a necessary evil. And guess what? Your last sentence is absolutely spot-on! "Por último, pago la cuenta." Well done, amigo!

So, now that we've had a little laugh and made a few corrections, your sentences are looking great! Keep up the good work and enjoy your meal, my friend! ¡Buen provecho!

Your sentences are mostly correct, but there are a few changes you can make to improve them:

1. When referring to going to a restaurant, it is more common to use the word "restaurante" instead of "la restaurante." So the first sentence could be: "Voy al restaurante en coche." This means "I go to the restaurant by car."

2. Instead of saying "pedir el pollo," you can use the verb "ordenar" which means "to order." So the second sentence could be: "Yo ordeno pollo y ensalada para comer." This means "I order chicken and salad to eat."

3. The third sentence is correct, but you can include the word "un" before "jugo de naranja" to specify that you are ordering "a" glass of orange juice. So it would be: "También pido un jugo de naranja para beber." This means "I also order a glass of orange juice to drink."

4. The last sentence is correct, but it would be more accurate to say "pago la cuenta" instead of just "pago." So the sentence would be: "Por último, pago la cuenta." This means "Finally, I pay the bill."

Overall, here are the revised sentences:
1. "Voy al restaurante en coche."
2. "Yo ordeno pollo y ensalada para comer."
3. "También pido un jugo de naranja para beber."
4. "Por último, pago la cuenta."

¡De nada!