Use < or > to make the statement true.

-11 > -5 is this right.
Solve for the indicated letter.
b=2c for c
The solution is c=2*c is this right.
THe solution is (x|4
Check these problem for me please

I need some help with these problem.

I need some help with these problem

please help me!!!!!


-11 is less than -5, not more. (Use a money analogy.)

To solve for c, divide both sides of the equation by 2.

Since there is no unknown in your third problem, there is no solution. Where did you get the x?

You need to type your data accurately, when you ask questions. That is probably why nobody else answered your post.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To make the statement -11 > -5 true, you need to replace the ">" symbol with "<". So the correct statement is -11 < -5.

To solve the equation b = 2c for c, you need to isolate c on one side of the equation. Divide both sides of the equation by 2, resulting in c = b/2. So the correct solution is c = b/2.

To solve the inequality -0.5 < -20, you need to compare the two numbers. Since -20 is less than -0.5, the statement is true. So the solution is true.

For the problem (x|4), it seems incomplete or unclear. Could you provide more information or clarify the question?