It can be said that acceleration is not affected by the mass of the object however velocity is. If you increase the distance at which objects with the same mass are dropped, then velocity is increased. If you drop objects with different masses, the object with the greater mass with have a greater velocity.

Is that correct?

No. If they have the same accelearation, how can they not have the same final velocity?

finalvelocty^2=initialveloicty^2+ 2*g*height.

where is mass in this?

Remember Galileo's experiment. The differing masses had no affect on the time it took to fall, nor finalvelocity.

I dropped 3 different objects and they all had the same acceleration

No, that statement is not correct. In reality, both acceleration and velocity are affected by the mass of an object.

According to Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force exerted on it and inversely proportional to its mass. The equation representing this relationship is F = m * a, where F denotes the net force, m represents the mass, and a represents the acceleration. Therefore, if the mass of an object increases, the force required to accelerate it will also increase.

Regarding velocity, it is important to understand that velocity is the rate at which an object's position changes over time. It takes into account both the speed and direction of an object. In the absence of external forces, such as air resistance, objects of different masses will fall at the same rate in a vacuum. This phenomenon is known as the "equivalence principle" or the "principle of equivalence" and was famously demonstrated by Galileo.

In summary, acceleration is indeed affected by the mass of an object, while in the absence of external forces, objects with different masses will fall at the same rate and reach the ground with the same velocity.