Solve and graph.

I send this problem last night could someone please help me I have trouble with it.

x+12<-8 or x+12>2
The solution is
{ x | x< or X > }

please help me with this problem.

subtract 12 from all sides.

x<-20 or x>-10

x belongs to set of numbers less than -20 and greater than -10, or even easier, -20<=XNOT<=-10
check my thinking.

Your question was answered by both me and Reiny last night

To solve the compound inequality x + 12 < -8 or x + 12 > 2, we need to solve each inequality separately and then combine their solutions.

Starting with the first inequality:
x + 12 < -8
Subtract 12 from both sides of the inequality:
x < -8 - 12
x < -20

Now for the second inequality:
x + 12 > 2
Subtract 12 from both sides of the inequality:
x > 2 - 12
x > -10

Now, we have two separate solutions: x < -20 and x > -10.

To graph this compound inequality, we need to plot the solutions on a number line. To do this, we draw a line and mark -20 and -10 on it, indicating that these are the values where x is either less than -20 or greater than -10.

After marking these points, we draw open circles on -20 and -10 to indicate that they are not included in the solution. Then, we draw arrows extending to the left and right, representing that the solutions continue indefinitely in those directions.

So, putting it all together, the graph for the compound inequality x + 12 < -8 or x + 12 > 2 looks like this:


-20 -10

The solution is:
{x | x < -20 or x > -10}