I need help with this problem thanks.

Directions: Factor each plynomial. If the polynomial cannot be factrored, write prime.


Did you not read my response to your question in

http://www.jiskha.com/display.cgi?id=1238957436 ?

To factor the polynomial m^2 + 8m + 16, we need to look for two numbers whose sum is 8 (the coefficient of the middle term, 8m) and whose product is 16 (the constant term, 16).

Let's try to find those two numbers:

1. List all the factors of 16: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16.
2. Since the sum should be positive (8), let's focus on pairs of factors that add up to 8.
- The pair of factors that add up to 8 is 4 and 4.

Now we can rewrite the middle term (8m) as the sum of two terms using the two numbers we found:

m^2 + 4m + 4m + 16

Next, we group terms to find common factors:

(m^2 + 4m) + (4m + 16)

Now, we factor out the common factors from each group:

m(m + 4) + 4(m + 4)

Notice that (m + 4) is common to both terms. We can now factor out (m + 4) from both groups:

(m + 4)(m + 4)

Simplifying, we find that the factored form of the polynomial m^2 + 8m + 16 is (m + 4)(m + 4) or simply (m + 4)^2.