Jamie loves all vegetables, all fresh and dried fruits, and milk. However,he refuses to eat dairy products and meats. Which of the following nutrients is he probably lacking?

C.Vitamin A
D. Vitamin C
I pick A as my answer Can someone check my answer.

Probably A. I wonder if he likes collards, turnip greens, and beat greens. They have iron.


To determine which nutrient Jamie is likely lacking, we need to consider the key nutrients found in dairy products and meats.

Dairy products are a good source of calcium, which is important for maintaining strong bones and teeth. Meats, particularly red meats, are a significant source of iron. Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells and to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Given that Jamie refuses to eat dairy products (eliminating calcium from his diet) and meats (eliminating a potential source of iron), it is most likely that he is lacking iron (option A), rather than calcium.

Therefore, your answer (option A) is correct.