President Wilson convinced the Allies to

a. divide the spoils of war among the victors
b. accept his plan for the League of Nations
c. make Germany pay heavy war reparations
d. allow Germany to keep its overseas colonies



Yes, the correct answer is b. President Wilson convinced the Allies to accept his plan for the League of Nations.

To arrive at this answer, you can use the process of elimination by analyzing each option:

a. "divide the spoils of war among the victors" - This option suggests that President Wilson convinced the Allies to distribute the resources and territories gained from the war. However, this is not an accurate representation of his goals or the outcomes of the negotiations.

b. "accept his plan for the League of Nations" - This option aligns with President Wilson's primary objective after World War I. He wanted to establish an international organization, known as the League of Nations, which would promote peace, disarmament, and collective security among nations. President Wilson played a significant role in promoting this idea during the negotiations, and in the end, the Allies accepted his plan.

c. "make Germany pay heavy war reparations" - While Germany was indeed made to pay reparations as part of the Treaty of Versailles, it was not solely President Wilson's objective or influence that led to this decision. It was primarily driven by the other Allies' desire for punitive measures against Germany.

d. "allow Germany to keep its overseas colonies" - The Treaty of Versailles actually led to the loss of Germany's overseas colonies. While President Wilson wanted to ensure a just and lasting peace, he did not advocate for allowing Germany to retain its colonies.

Therefore, by comparing the options and considering President Wilson's goals and actions during the post-war negotiations, we can conclude that b. "accept his plan for the League of Nations" is the correct answer.