2000 word full sentence research paper on Autism controversies example.( mercury and vaccinations) an introduction and a thesis statement.A body of supporting evidence and in-text citations, a conclusion, a reference list at least 5 -7 sources. Does this help?

Here's some good websites that would be very helpful. There's a lot of information of this topic. Once you get to these web pages you will search "controversies in autism"

Wikipedia: Controversies in autism

Yes, I can certainly help you with that! Here's a structure you can follow to write your research paper on the controversies surrounding autism, focusing on the link between mercury and vaccinations:

I. Introduction:
- Start with a brief background on autism and its prevalence in society.
- Provide an overview of the controversies surrounding autism, particularly the debate around mercury and vaccinations.
- Introduce your thesis statement, which should clearly state your position on the topic.

Thesis statement example: "This research paper aims to explore the controversies surrounding autism and the alleged link between mercury exposure and vaccinations, examining the available evidence to determine the validity of these claims and provide an informed perspective."

II. Body:
- Divide your body into multiple sections/subtopics, each discussing different aspects of the controversy.
- Present supporting evidence for both sides of the argument, but emphasize reliable scientific studies and credible sources.
- Use in-text citations to reference the sources throughout your paper, following a consistent referencing style (e.g., APA or MLA).

For each section, you can include the following information:

1. Background on the Mercury and Vaccination Controversy:
- Discuss the historical context of this controversy, including the initial concerns raised by some researchers and parents.

2. Mercury Exposure and Autism:
- Present scientific studies that claim a potential association between mercury exposure (such as thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative) and the development of autism.
- Analyze the limitations and criticisms of these studies, emphasizing flaws in methodology or sample size.

3. Vaccinations and Autism:
- Examine studies that have investigated the alleged link between childhood vaccinations (such as the MMR vaccine) and autism.
- Highlight counterarguments and critiques regarding these studies, addressing sample sizes, methodological flaws, and the lack of scientific consensus.

III. Conclusion:
- Summarize the main points discussed in your research paper, supporting your thesis statement.
- Evaluate the overall quality and reliability of the evidence presented.
- Draw a well-reasoned conclusion based on the available evidence, while acknowledging any remaining uncertainty or unanswered questions.

IV. Reference List:
- Create a reference list that includes all the sources you cited in your paper, including at least 5-7 reliable and credible sources.
- Ensure that you follow the specific style guidelines (APA, MLA, etc.) for formatting your reference citations.

Remember to revise your paper after completion to ensure clarity, coherence, and proper structure. Good luck with your research paper!