Ethical behavior requires?

That auditors' pay not depend on the figures in the client's reports.
Auditors to invest in businesses they audit.
Analysts to report information favorable to their companies.
Managers to use accounting information to benefit themselves.
All of the above.

One answer seems obvious to me. What do you think it is?

all of the above

To determine which option aligns with ethical behavior, we need to consider the principles of ethics in professional settings. Ethical behavior typically revolves around principles such as honesty, integrity, transparency, and fairness. Let's evaluate the provided options based on these principles:

Option 1: "That auditors' pay not depend on the figures in the client's reports."
This aligns with ethical behavior as it emphasizes independence and objectivity. Auditors should not have a financial incentive tied to the outcome of the audit, which ensures unbiased reporting.

Option 2: "Auditors to invest in businesses they audit."
This does not align with ethical behavior. Auditors should not have direct financial interests in the businesses they audit as it creates conflicts of interest and compromises objectivity.

Option 3: "Analysts to report information favorable to their companies."
This also does not align with ethical behavior. Analysts should report information accurately and objectively, regardless of whether it is favorable or unfavorable to their companies. Providing biased information undermines the integrity of the reporting and can mislead stakeholders.

Option 4: "Managers to use accounting information to benefit themselves."
This goes against ethical behavior. Managers should use accounting information in a way that benefits the organization and its stakeholders as a whole, not solely for personal gain. Ethical behavior focuses on fairness and the equitable distribution of resources and benefits.

Based on the above evaluations, the answer is: "That auditors' pay not depend on the figures in the client's reports" (Option 1). This is the only option that aligns with the principles of ethical behavior in a professional context.