I am preparing for DSST college credit by examine in criminal justice.

I am looking for some good practice questions.

There are a number of sites with practice exams in Criminal Justice at this link.


Check these sites.



When preparing for the DSST college credit exam in Criminal Justice, practicing with sample questions can be an effective way to improve your understanding and performance. To find good practice questions, you can follow these steps:

1. Official DSST Resources: Start by visiting the official DSST website (www.getcollegecredit.com) as they often provide a list of recommended study materials, including practice test providers.

2. DSST Study Guides: Look for study guides specifically designed for the Criminal Justice DSST exam. These guides often include practice questions and comprehensive explanations to help you understand the concepts. One highly recommended study guide is "DSST Criminal Justice (Barron's Test Prep)".

3. Online Practice Tests: Many websites offer free or paid DSST practice exams for Criminal Justice. Some popular options include Peterson's (www.petersons.com) and Study.com (www.study.com). These resources often provide a variety of question formats and detailed explanations of the answers.

4. Academic Libraries: Local or online academic libraries might have practice books or resources available for borrowing. Check the library catalog or consult a librarian for assistance in finding relevant materials.

5. Online Forums and Communities: Participating in online forums or communities dedicated to DSST exams or Criminal Justice can be an excellent way to connect with others who have taken the exam. Members often share advice, study tips, and even practice questions.

Remember to review the questions thoroughly and understand the reasoning behind both the correct and incorrect answers. This approach will help you identify any weak areas and improve your overall performance on the exam.