a fifth power b

____________________all in ()to -3
a seventh power b -2

To simplify the expression (a fifth power b) to the power of -3, we can use the rule of negative exponents. According to the rule, (a^n)^-m is equivalent to a^(-n * m).

So, let's simplify each part of the expression step by step.

First, we have (a fifth power b)^-3. This can be rewritten as a^-3 times (b^-3)^1 since b^-3 is the same as b^-3 * 1.

Next, using the rule of negative exponents on a^-3, we get 1/(a^3).

Similarly, using the rule of negative exponents on b^-3, we get 1/(b^3).

Putting it all together, we have (a fifth power b)^-3 = (1/(a^3))(1/(b^3)), which can be written as 1/(a^3 * b^3).

Now let's simplify the expression (a seventh power b -2).

There seems to be a missing operation between a seventh power b and -2. Are you looking for the result of subtracting -2 from a seventh power b? Please clarify so I can provide the correct answer.