how do u write 7/33 as a decimal

Divide: 7/33 = 0.1212

7/33 can only be written exactly as a repeating decimal

if you divide 7 by 33 you get 0.212121..

as soon as you round off somewhere you have an approximation.

to write it as a repeating decimal, one method is to write 0.21 with a bar over the top of the 21.
an alternate way is to put a "dot" over the first and last of the repeating digits.

7/33 = 0.2121

To express the fraction 7/33 as a decimal, you need to divide the numerator (7) by the denominator (33). Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Divide 7 by 33:
33 / 7 = 0.21212121...

Step 2: After the division, if the decimal part continues beyond the desired level of precision or the repeated pattern becomes evident, stop the division.

So, the decimal representation of 7/33 is approximately 0.2121. The pattern 21 repeats indefinitely.

Note: In this case, the division result is a repeating decimal, which means the pattern 21 repeats infinitely. To represent the repeating pattern, a bar is placed over the repeating part, like 0.21 with a bar on top of it (0.21̅).