Do you know of any website where i can find the average age that people live up to in different countries?

Thank you!!

Yes, there are several websites where you can find the average age that people live up to in different countries. One such website is the World Bank's "World Development Indicators" database. Here is how you can find the average age at death for different countries on this website:

1. Go to the World Bank website at
2. Click on the "Data" tab at the top of the page.
3. In the drop-down menu, select "World Development Indicators" or directly go to the URL:
4. On the World Development Indicators page, you will find a search bar. Type in "Age at death" or "Life expectancy" and press Enter.
5. From the search results, look for a variable or indicator that represents "Age at death" or "Life expectancy." It is usually denoted as "Life expectancy at birth" or "Life expectancy, total."
6. Click on the desired indicator. It will take you to a page with data tables.
7. On this page, you will see the option to choose countries or regions. Select the countries you are interested in by marking the checkboxes next to them.
8. You may also choose the years or time range for which you want to see the average age at death.
9. Once you have made your selections, click on the "Apply" or "Get Data" button to display the data.
10. The website will then present the average age at death or life expectancy for the selected countries and time period in a table or chart format.

Remember that the data provided on these websites is based on estimates and can vary depending on the source and methodology used.