Why is the incubation stage of an illness of concern to day care workers?

A.Children in this stage require a great deal of care and special attention.
B.Children in this stage often need special medical help.
C.Children in this stage can often pass on the disease even though they show no signs of it.
D.Children in this stage must be separate from other children at the center.
I chose C. Can someone check my answer.

I think C is correct. The problem with the incubation stage is that the child's parents and teachers often don't even know the child is coming down with something. By the time they do, and can get medical help if needed, the child has probably already passed along the germs to others.

Thank for your help.

YW!! =)

To determine the correct answer, let's go through the information related to the incubation stage of an illness and its relevance to day care workers.

The incubation stage is the period between exposure to a pathogen (disease-causing agent) and the appearance of any symptoms of the illness. During this stage, individuals may not show any signs of being sick, but they can still spread the disease to others.

When it comes to day care settings, where children are in close contact with each other, the incubation stage becomes a concern for several reasons:

A. Children in this stage require a great deal of care and special attention:
This answer choice does not directly relate to the incubation stage of an illness. Children who are actually sick and showing symptoms may require extra care, but this is not specific to the incubation stage.

B. Children in this stage often need special medical help:
Similarly, this answer choice does not specifically relate to the incubation stage. Children with a diagnosed illness may need medical assistance, but again, this does not directly apply to the incubation stage.

C. Children in this stage can often pass on the disease even though they show no signs of it:
This answer choice is correct. During the incubation stage, individuals may not show any symptoms but can still be contagious and transmit the disease to others, including other children and day care workers. This is a significant concern for day care workers as it increases the risk of outbreaks within the facility.

D. Children in this stage must be separated from other children at the center:
This answer choice is not entirely accurate. While it is important to separate children who are actually sick and showing symptoms from others, the incubation stage specifically refers to the period before symptoms appear. Identifying and separating children based solely on the incubation stage is not practical as they may not exhibit any signs of illness.

Based on the explanation above, answer choice C is indeed correct. Children in the incubation stage can still transmit the disease even though they show no signs of it, making it a particular concern for day care workers.