In the number 268,743 how many times greater than the 3 is the 6

If it were twenty times, it would be in the second column. If it were a 200 times, it would be in the third columm.


To determine how many times greater the digit 6 is than the digit 3 in the number 268,743, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the position of the digit 3 and the digit 6.
In the number 268,743, the digit 3 is in the unit's place (rightmost position), and the digit 6 is in the ten-thousands place (leftmost position).

Step 2: Calculate the difference between the positions of the two digits.
The digit 6 is 4 places to the left of the digit 3.

Step 3: Determine the value of the digit at the position of the digit 6.
In the ten-thousands place, the digit 6 represents a value of 6 * 10,000 = 60,000.

Step 4: Determine the value of the digit at the position of the digit 3.
In the unit's place, the digit 3 represents a value of 3.

Step 5: Calculate the ratio between the two values.
Divide the value of the digit 6 (60,000) by the value of the digit 3 (3).
60,000 / 3 = 20,000.

Therefore, the digit 6 is 20,000 times greater than the digit 3 in the number 268,743.