237,874 round to the nearest thousand.is this the right answer 237,900

237,900 is the right answer

To round a number to the nearest thousand, you need to look at the last three digits of the number. In this case, the last three digits of 237,874 are "874."

To determine whether to round up or down, you need to check the hundreds place value, which is the digit immediately to the left of the last three digits. In this case, it is "7."

If the hundreds place value is 5 or greater, you round up. If it is 4 or less, you round down. In this case, the hundreds place value is 7, so we round up.

To round up, you increase the last three digits by 1 and make the rest of the number zeros. Therefore, 237,874 rounded to the nearest thousand is 238,000.


What number is in the thousands place?

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No!!! You've rounded to the nearest hundred, not the nearest thousand.

Look at the thousand spot, it's a '7'. Now look at the number to the right of it, it's a '8'

Remember, any number 5 and above you round up.

So the correct would be 238,000