237,874 round to the nearest thousand.is this the right answer 237,900

It’s a scam the first one is always right

To round 237,874 to the nearest thousand, follow these steps:

1. Identify the place value of the digit in the thousands place, which is the digit to the left of the hundreds place.
2. Look at the digit in the hundreds place. If it is 5 or greater, you will round the thousands place digit up. If it is less than 5, you will round it down.
3. In this case, the digit in the thousands place is 7, and the digit in the hundreds place is 4. Since 4 is less than 5, you will round the thousands place digit down.
4. Replace all the digits to the right of the thousands place with zeros to get the rounded number.
5. After rounding, the rounded number to the nearest thousand is 237,000, not 237,900.

So, 237,874 rounded to the nearest thousand is 237,000, not 237,900.

Nope. You've rounded to the nearest hundred, not the nearest thousand.

Please try again.