a museum charges $5 for each adult ticket ,plus an additional $1 per ticket for tax.What is the cost of x tickets



Answered by- Susie Joe

The cost of x tickets can be calculated by multiplying the number of tickets (x) by the cost of each ticket.

The cost of each adult ticket is $5, and there is an additional $1 for tax per ticket. So, the total cost per ticket is $5 + $1 = $6.

To find the cost of x tickets, you can multiply the total cost per ticket ($6) by the number of tickets (x):

Cost of x tickets = $6 * x

Therefore, the cost of x tickets is $6x.

To determine the cost of x tickets, we need to apply the pricing for each ticket.

First, multiply the number of tickets, x, by the cost for each adult ticket, $5. This gives us 5x.

Next, consider the additional cost per ticket for tax, which is $1. Since x tickets are being purchased, the total additional tax cost would be x * $1, which simplifies to x.

To calculate the total cost, sum up the cost for the tickets and the tax: 5x + x.

Combining like terms, we get 6x.

Therefore, the cost of x tickets would be 6x dollars.