What were the goals of "The Big Four"?

It was comprised of Woodrow Wilson of the United States, David Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, and Georges Clemenceau of France.

They basically sat down the outcome to WWI and with the Treaty of Versailles which basically blamed everything on Germany.


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"The Big Four" typically refers to the four prominent leaders who represented their respective countries during the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I: Woodrow Wilson of the United States, David Lloyd George of Great Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Vittorio Orlando of Italy. These leaders held different goals and priorities during the negotiations. Let's explore each of their goals:

1. Woodrow Wilson (United States): Wilson's primary goal was to establish a lasting peace based on his vision of the League of Nations. He believed in creating a collective security organization composed of member states that would work together to prevent future conflicts. Wilson's famous Fourteen Points laid the groundwork for a just and peaceful world order.

2. David Lloyd George (Great Britain): Lloyd George aimed to reconcile the conflicting goals of satisfying public opinion in Britain, ensuring national security, and attempting to achieve a fair and lasting peace. He sought to protect British interests while imposing moderate punishments on Germany and preventing an excessively harsh peace settlement that could lead to future conflicts.

3. Georges Clemenceau (France): Clemenceau had a single-minded desire to safeguard French security and ensure the long-term stability of France. He advocated for severe penalties on Germany to weaken its military capabilities and territorial integrity, as France had suffered greatly during World War I and wanted to prevent any future aggression.

4. Vittorio Orlando (Italy): Orlando sought to achieve territorial gains for Italy, especially in the Adriatic region, including the city of Fiume. Italy had joined the Allies during the war with the expectation of gaining territories promised in various secret agreements. Orlando's primary objective was to secure the fulfillment of these territorial demands.

To obtain more comprehensive information about the goals of "The Big Four," it is recommended to refer to primary historical sources, books, or academic articles that delve into the specifics of their negotiations and motivations during the Treaty of Versailles.