How would I figure out the horiz. distance if I have the velocity and the vertical distance? I also have the acceleration. What formula could I use?

Please provide a full description of the problem. Is this a ballistics broblem in which a projectile is launched at some angle and you know the launch velcoity and how high it rises?

To figure out the horizontal distance when you have the velocity, vertical distance, and acceleration, you can use the following formula:

Horizontal distance = (velocity^2 / acceleration) * sin(2 * angle),

- velocity is the initial velocity (speed) of the object,
- acceleration is the acceleration acting on the object,
- angle is the angle of launch or projection.

The formula is derived by assuming the motion is projectile motion and breaking it down into horizontal and vertical components.

To use this formula, follow these steps:

1. Determine the velocity (V), vertical distance (h), and acceleration (a) values given in the problem.
2. Find the angle of projection (θ) if it's not given. If the angle is not provided, you may need additional information or use other formulas to find it. This formula assumes that the angle is measured from the horizontal.
3. Plug the values into the formula:

Horizontal distance = (V^2 / a) * sin(2θ).

4. Calculate the value on the right side of the equation (V^2 / a) * sin(2θ).
5. Multiply the outcome by the trigonometric value of that angle.

Keep in mind that the angle should be in radians for trigonometric functions like sin. If the angle is in degrees, convert it to radians by multiplying by π/180.

By following these steps and utilizing the provided formula, you can determine the horizontal distance when given the velocity, vertical distance, and acceleration.