Could you please check the definition that matches with the term.

Here are the terms:

free enterprise
economic models
market econonmy
total costs
marginal benefit
fixed costs
rational choice

Here are the definitions

study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
Answer: economics

theories economists use in their work
Answer: economic models

exchanging one thing for the use of another
Answer: trade-off

additional benefit associated with an action
Answer: marginal benefit

economic climate in which most decisons are masde by individuals looking out for themselves.
Answer: market economy

Right. All of the answers are correct.

Thanks Ms. Sue

To check if the definitions match with the given terms, you can follow these steps:

1. For each term, compare it with the provided definitions.
2. Analyze each definition's meaning and see if it aligns with the corresponding term.
3. Match each definition with the correct term.

Let's go through the process for the given terms and definitions:

Term: free enterprise
Definition: Not provided

Since the definition for "free enterprise" is not provided, we cannot determine if any of the provided definitions match.

Term: Economics
Definition: Study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

The provided definition matches the term "Economics."

Term: Trade-off
Definition: Exchanging one thing for the use of another.

The provided definition matches the term "Trade-off."

Term: Economic models
Definition: Theories economists use in their work.

The provided definition matches the term "Economic models."

Term: Market economy
Definition: Economic climate in which most decisions are made by individuals looking out for themselves.

The provided definition matches the term "Market economy."

Term: Total costs
Definition: Not provided

Since the definition for "total costs" is not provided, we cannot determine if any of the provided definitions match.

Term: Wants
Definition: Not provided

Since the definition for "wants" is not provided, we cannot determine if any of the provided definitions match.

Term: Marginal benefit
Definition: Additional benefit associated with an action.

The provided definition matches the term "Marginal benefit."

Term: Fixed costs
Definition: Not provided

Since the definition for "fixed costs" is not provided, we cannot determine if any of the provided definitions match.

Term: Rational choice
Definition: Not provided

Since the definition for "rational choice" is not provided, we cannot determine if any of the provided definitions match.

Based on the provided definitions and the matching terms, we have the following matches:
- Economics: Study of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
- Trade-off: Exchanging one thing for the use of another.
- Economic models: Theories economists use in their work.
- Market economy: Economic climate in which most decisions are made by individuals looking out for themselves.
- Marginal benefit: Additional benefit associated with an action.

Please note that without definitions for "free enterprise," "total costs," "wants," "fixed costs," and "rational choice," we cannot determine if any of the provided definitions match.