Use the world population and land area table.

What was the population per square mile of Oceana in 2000?

You will find a definition of Oceania here:
That link contains its population and area in square miles.
Divide the population by the area for tha answer you seek.

To determine the population per square mile of Oceania in 2000, we need to consult the world population and land area table. Unfortunately, since you have not provided the specific values for Oceania's population and land area, I cannot provide you with an exact answer. However, I can give you an explanation of how to calculate the population per square mile using the table.

1. Find the population of Oceania in the year 2000 in the table. This will be a specific number, such as "X" million people.

2. Locate the land area of Oceania in the table. The value will be given in square kilometers or square miles.

3. Convert the land area of Oceania into square miles if it is given in square kilometers. To convert from square kilometers to square miles, multiply the value by 0.386102, as there are approximately 0.386102 square miles in one square kilometer.

4. Divide the population of Oceania by the land area (in square miles) to find the population per square mile. This will give you the average number of people per square mile in Oceania in the year 2000.

Please provide the specific values for the population and land area of Oceania in order to calculate the population per square mile accurately.