brainstrom for word forms of speak. Need six

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Do you mean?


Sure! Here are six different word forms of the verb "speak":

1. Speak (base form)
- Example: "I speak English fluently."

2. Spoken (past participle form)
- Example: "English is widely spoken around the world."

3. Speaking (present participle form)
- Example: "She is currently speaking at a conference."

4. Speaker (noun form)
- Example: "Our keynote speaker will address the audience tonight."

5. Unspoken (adjective form)
- Example: "There was an unspoken agreement between them."

6. Speech (noun form)
- Example: "She delivered a powerful speech on human rights."

To generate more word forms, you can apply different prefixes, suffixes, or conjugations to the base form. This method can be used to create various derivatives related to the word "speak."