Put a food chain (web) of the tundra in written format. Can you please list which animal eats another in the tundra? Thanks!


After checking several sites, this is by far the most complete site.


Thanks soo much!! (Ashley! If you are reading this, please go to these sites! they're amazing!!) <3 Sam*

Sure! In the tundra, the food chain consists of various organisms that are interdependent on each other for energy. Here is a simplified food chain/web of the tundra:

1. Producers: Producers, such as lichens, mosses, and grasses, are the first link in the food chain. They convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis.

2. Herbivores: These animals feed directly on the producers. Some herbivores in the tundra include:

- Lemmings: They eat plants, grasses, and shrubs.
- Arctic Hares: They graze on grasses, mosses, and shrubs.
- Caribou/Reindeer: They feed on lichens, mosses, and shrubs.

3. Primary Carnivores: These are the consumers that prey on herbivores. Some primary carnivores in the tundra include:

- Arctic Foxes: They hunt lemmings, hares, and small rodents.
- Snowy Owls: They mainly feed on lemmings, but can also prey on small mammals.
- Wolverines: They scavenge on carcasses and also hunt smaller mammals.

4. Secondary Carnivores: These are the predators that feed on primary carnivores. Some secondary carnivores in the tundra include:

- Arctic Wolves: They hunt caribou/reindeer, muskoxen, and other smaller mammals.
- Golden Eagles: They prey on small mammals, birds, and carrion.

5. Tertiary Carnivores: These are the apex predators in the tundra ecosystem. They are at the highest level of the food chain, and their diet may consist of other top predators. In the tundra, the polar bear is a notable tertiary carnivore.

It's important to note that this food chain is a simplified representation of the complex interactions in the tundra ecosystem. In reality, multiple food chains and a more intricate food web exist, with many species having overlapping diets and alternative prey options.