at temperaturesof 100 degrees celsius or higher, water changes to steam (a gas).At temperatures of 0 degrees celsius or lower water changes to ice (a solid) . in between these extremes, water is a liquid. draw number lines showing the tempertures at which the water is:

a. a solid
b. a gas
c. a liquid

well, a solid the number line starts at 0C and goes to the left as an arrow for all negative numbers.

omg thank you so muchhh!!!

To draw number lines showing the temperatures at which the water exists as a solid, gas, or liquid, we need to consider the freezing point and boiling point of water.

a. The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius, so any temperature lower than 0 degrees Celsius is where water exists as a solid (ice). We can draw a number line with temperatures below 0 degrees Celsius marked as "Solid" or "Ice."

Solid Freezing Point

b. The boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius, so any temperature higher than 100 degrees Celsius is where water exists as a gas (steam). We can draw a number line with temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius marked as "Gas" or "Steam."

Boiling Point Gas

c. Lastly, between the freezing and boiling points, water exists as a liquid. We can draw a number line with temperatures between 0 and 100 degrees Celsius marked as "Liquid."

Solid Liquid Gas

These number lines represent the temperature ranges at which water exists in its different states.