the theme of the story" The Use of Force: is that:

This site may help you decide on the theme.

The excerpt from “Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman is an example

To determine the theme of a story, you need to analyze its central message or underlying idea. In the case of the story "The Use of Force" by William Carlos Williams, the theme can be interpreted as the dangers and consequences of unchecked or excessive power.

To arrive at this theme, here's a step-by-step process you can follow:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the story "The Use of Force" and pay attention to the events, characters, and the overall plot.

2. Identify key elements: Make note of any key elements in the story that stand out to you, such as the actions of the characters, their motivations, and the conflicts they face.

3. Analyze character behaviors: Focus on the actions and behaviors of the characters, particularly the doctor. Take note of how the doctor uses force to gain control over the situation, despite the young girl's resistance.

4. Consider the consequences: Examine the consequences of the doctor's use of force. Think about how it affects the doctor-patient relationship, the girl's well-being, and the overall ethics of the situation.

5. Think about the broader message: Reflect on the story as a whole and consider what it may be trying to convey to the reader. Consider how the theme of unchecked or excessive power emerges through the doctor's actions and the outcomes of those actions.

6. Formulate the theme statement: Based on your analysis, you can now construct a theme statement for "The Use of Force." For example, the theme could be stated as "The story explores the dangers and consequences of using force to assert dominance and control, ultimately emphasizing the importance of respecting boundaries and ethical considerations."

By following this process, you can arrive at a thoughtful interpretation of the theme of "The Use of Force." Remember, other readers may have different interpretations, so it's important to support your analysis with evidence from the story.