What does the word innuendo mean in this context: the air is alive with chatter and laughter and casual innuendo. None of the dictionary definitions make sense.

I assume that innuendo in this context means covert sexual suggestions and flirting.

The Merriam-Webster Online dictionary seems to fit:

1 a. 1 a an oblique allusion : hint insinuation especially a veiled or equivocal reflection on character or reputation b. b the use of such allusions - resorting to innuendo


In the context you provided, the word "innuendo" refers to the subtle hints or suggestions that are indirectly expressed in conversations or statements. It often involves saying one thing while insinuating or implying something else.

While dictionary definitions can be helpful, they may not always capture the full range of meanings of a word based on its specific usage in different contexts. To better understand the meaning of a word, especially in a particular context, you can try the following steps:

1. Read the sentence carefully: Pay close attention to the overall context of the sentence or passage in which the word is used. Look for clues that might reveal the intended meaning.

2. Analyze the words surrounding the term: Consider the other words and phrases used in the sentence or passage. Look for any words or phrases that might provide additional insight or shed light on the meaning of the word in question.

3. Consider the connotation: Words can often have both denotative (literal) and connotative (associative or emotional) meanings. In this case, "innuendo" has a connotation of subtle and indirect suggestions or hints. Think about the emotions, attitudes, or impressions that the word might evoke based on its connotation.

4. Consult multiple sources: Expand your search beyond a single dictionary. Look for example sentences, thesauruses, or trusted online resources that provide explanations or usage examples. Different sources may provide varying insights that can help you understand the word better.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of a word and its specific meaning within a given context.